electric vehicles
Top 5 Electric Vehicle (EV) Stock In India That Can become Multibagger in Future
Hello, investors we often find to hear the slogan like invest in the future, invest in the next trend like this. Well, we can't predict what happens in the future but we can analyze the future by what happening nowadays. When you see your surrounding you can easily observe the changes that are happening and definitely the automobile industry is the one that is growing rapidly.
The world is turning to renewable resources and everyone is focusing on reducing pollution. In this race, electric vehicles are playing a major role. Also increased petrol and diesel price helped to move people to electric vehicle era.
So we can find out that in the next 5 years electric vehicles can capture a large market in automobiles and may change the existing scenario. So we have picked the best 6 EV stocks in India. all these stocks are picked after deep research and analysis. You can invest in these top companies to gain future profit.
Why EV Sector will Grow
However, we all know that many EV startups in India are already rising and a Tesla already made a revolution with its electric cars world. The electric vehicle will make less pollution compare to diesel and petrol and also the major reason is its running costs are very less. Electricity can be produced in many ways and it's effective too.
The only setback now is infrastructure. There is no charging station properly for electric vehicles in India but that's not a problem already many companies are started to build the infrastructure in India. We can see a complete structure of the electric charging station soon. We will also add companies who are doing this type f job too.
If you observe the market now even the Indian government is supporting electric vehicles through subsidizing which makes vehicles to affordable for everyone it is also a major reason that you need to consider investing in the Ev era.
Top 6 Electric Vehicle (EV) Stock In India
Below are the 6 electric vehicle stocks that are already growing massively and will continue to boom in the coming future. You can invest in them to enjoy high returns in the future. Investing in these companies for the long term is a better choice than a short term.
Tata Groups With 3 Stocks
There are many tata stocks that are already ahead in this race we will add them to this list under this group. Tata is a well-known and most trusted company in the world. And it already started capturing a major portion of electric vehicles in India.
1) Tata Motors
Tata motors are the second company to come on this race of electric vehicle after Mahindra and Mahindra. Tata motors also may become the biggest supplier of electric vehicles in India. Also, tata motors already launched the best passenger vehicles in India which are making well in this sector. Also planning to launch vehicles often.
- Mkt Cap (Rs. Cr.) 98,131
- Face Value 2
2) Tata Power
Tata Power is one of the major companies which is building charging infrastructure. in this field, there are two major companies one is NTPC and another one is Tata power and tata power is making the best in this field. However, it is a good option to invest in it. Also, this company produces electricity from many sources. also, it is focusing on working towards clean energy sources like wind and solar power.
- Mkt Cap (Rs. Cr.) 42,769
- Face Value 1
3) Tata Chemicals
Well, when it comes to electric vehicles Battery plays an important and major role in a vehicle. Having a good battery backup in-vehicle gives a one-step advantage in all vehicles. However, tata chemicals will produce a lithium-ion battery which can be added to the vehicles of tata motors and also exported to other companies. Tata motors is a big company that is a direct buyer for tata chemicals.
Other than battery tata chemicals also a leader in some special chemicals and also produce important chemicals in large quantities.
- Mkt Cap (Rs. Cr.) 21,425
- Face Value 10
Other Growing Companies In EV
4) Mahindra And Mahindra Ltd.
You know why this company can become the leader in Ev market because it's more concentrated on a passenger vehicle from an earlier stage. Mahindra and Mahindra company released its first passenger vehicle in 2001 and it's continuously working towards the electric segment. Also, this company has a special R&D team set up in Bangalore which is more concentrated on electric vehicles only.
Also, this company tied up with many international vehicle companies to increase the quality and technology of its vehicle to gain the market.
- Mkt Cap (Rs. Cr.) 93,227
- Face Value 5
5) Motherson Sumi Ltd.
Well in the Indian stock market Motherson Sumi is one of my favorite stocks. It had made its name worldwide in the auto sector. Motherson Sumi has already established its empire in the current market and looking fine to switch to provide a major role in the electric sector too.
Motherson Sumi majorly makes auto parts that are used by major companies. And also this great company started to switch to electric vehicles. It won't face many issues to switch because it already proved its capabilities in the market of automobiles.
- Mkt Cap (Rs. Cr.) 69,048
- Face Value 1
Final Words With Conclusion
I hope you liked the complete details about the electric vehicle sector and which can make it big. I have tried to bring really good companies that can give you a large return in the coming future. I hope you liked this article If you have any doubts or queries comment below. Thanks for reading.