Does your salary hardly last a month Or are the expenses too high to be able to save.

Today's topic is how to save money. I will discuss 10 amazing tips to save money   Be it smoking or drinking too much tea If you have any such compulsive habit And let's say you spend 50 bucks per day on it And even if you can't stop that but only reduce it from let's say 50 to 20 bucks And save 30 bucks daily ie 900 bucks in a month.  This is similar to 1st point Basically when you try to find temporary relief for your stress and spend on that.

Some people like to shop a lot or smoke In my case, I started drinking a lot of cold coffee in cafes. Each cup cost 250 bucks So in a month I would spend minimum 1000 to 1500 on that Now I can save that 1000 bucks So I will suggest that if you are stressed, don't go for any temporary relief Find a permanent solution like exercise, meditation, healthy lifestyle to reduce stress But if you are really stressed/depressed then consult a specialist and don't try to save that   You must be aware that you pay at least 5 times the amount when you dine out as compared to cook at home If you don't have time and even if you hire a cook, you can save a good amount In my case, I used to get no time to cook and 3-4 times a week would order or dine out Then I hired a cook and I can save 2500-3000 even after making his payment, buying grocery etc. This saving is even after including my once a week dine-out I won't suggest that never eat out but reduce it as much as possible it will not only save money but will also keep you healthy.

 Now we'll discuss various types of shopping where we tend a spend a bit more   Impulsive shopping is when you made an impulsive decision to buy or had to quickly decide and end up buying Like in a never before sale Or very high discount of let's say 90% even if product is not even worth sale value or you don't really need it So whenever you are in a store and are about to buy something then just wait for a while Put the items in your cart but before making the purchase, give a thought where and when will you use it One more way to decide is Calculate COST PER USE Let's say you purchased a dress for 1000 bucks but wore it only once so cost per use is 1000 and let's say you purchased another dress again for 1000 bucks but this dress can be worn at multiple occasions like formal party, events, casual hang outs etc and will definitely wear it at least 10 times then the cost per use of this dress will be 1000/10 which is 100 buck So definitely give a thought to cost per use while shopping So definitely buy stuff that can be repeatedly used .

I would suggest to go for basics in fashion that can be styled in different ways Like this white top It can be worn with skirt, jean for casual look With a lower for gym look Even with a trouser for evening look So I can style it in different ways And it's cost per use is minimal If you are also looking for some basics then do check the links in description box   Sometimes we plan and still end up spending more than we should Like if you are fond of watched Own a good watch collection but end up using you apple watch only and then you liked a 10000 bucks watch in shop Simply, don't spend that money Always remember cost per use as discussed Or another case when you want to start something Let's say you want to study something and buy lot of books, courses but never end up using that So I would suggest if you want to start anything Like daily gym, Studying a course or even a youtube channel Then, don't buy everything in one go Start with 1 or 2 products and see if you develop an interest in that work then, you can buy other products as and when required.

 Never buy everything in advance   We all need to shop for groceries and sometimes tend to overspend as well I will give 4 tips to save money on grocery shopping
1. Whatever you buy on regular basis, try to buy larger packs Because larger packs are cheaper and have a lower cost per quantity But remember this is only for products that you use on regular basis and will definitely get utilized.

2. Plan to shop once a week/fortnight And if there is any market near your place like a weekly market where you can get good stuff and at attractive prices then prefer to shop there.

 3. Whenever you go shopping go with a list buy only items as per the list and if you feel like buying a snack, then avoid that and if you still want to buy something out of the list then as we discussed earlier, think if that is really needed if yes, then go ahead.

4. Have a snack before shopping as a hungry person tends to buy more snacks while shopping and also hunger can make you feel irritated. So have a snack to have a good shopping experience.

 Add items in your cart But never check out immediately. I usually add items in the car at night Then check again in the morning and buy whatever is needed But I end up discarding a lot of items Also, never save your payment details Because if paying is easy there is a greater chance that you will immediately / impulsively shop whenever adding to cart But if you need time to enter payment details, you might take some time This can change your decision and save money

These were 4 shopping types I save 2000-3000 in all 4 combined and you can save too Before starting 8th tip, small announcement,

 Let's talk about the 8th tip now .............  You might have taken some subscription-like newspaper, magazine, tv hotstar or any online product So if you have any subscription that you are not using currently then immediately unsubscribe because every month you are paying for it but not really getting any benefit out of it In my case, I recently unsubscribed from such a service and I can save 200 bucks per month But here, we are talking about services that you don't use anyway If you are using all subscription, then ignore   Let me share Cab costs me about 100 bucks from my office to home shared cabs around 60 bucks and a bus-only 5 to 10 bucks So see the difference between the cab and public transport So try to use public transport, if possible Otherwise at least take a shared cab instead of a regular cab to save good amount Another tip is for shorter distance like 1 km then instead of public or private transport try to walk that distance this will not only save your money but will also be good for your health!   As parents tell to avoid wasting food or electricity I would also suggest if you can save on food, electricity, water then not only you will save 200-300 bucks but This will save our resources as well Please do not waste So before going to bonus tip Let's calculate the savings         So I am saving roughly 7000 per month which mean 84000 per year- awesome!! and if you invest this in a good investment then how much will this amount to in 5 years Comment and let me know and also tell me which was the most helpful tip? Let's discuss the bonus tip which is budgeting if you write and keep records of all expenses and track what could have been avoided then you can definitely save a lot of money this will give clarity on income.

A dynamic professional with around 22 years’ rich experience in Marketing, Business Development and Business Analysis. But above all, a passionate Capital Market Analyst and option trader for last 20 years with in NSE/ BSE and cryptocurrencies.